Before the exam After the examI registered my date of birth (or gender or nationality) incorrectly.

Please check which of the following applies to you.

*The deadline for changes is 23:59 (Japan time) three business days before the test date. If the test date is a weekend or a Japanese public holiday, the deadline for changes is 23:59 (Japan time) four business days before the test date.
*Business days exclude Saturdays, Sundays, Japanese holidays, and New Year's holidays. Japanese holidays can be confirmed on the "Business Day Calendar."

  • Those who have missed the change deadline or test date
    Once a reservation has been confirmed, the gender, date of birth, and nationality cannot be changed, and reservations cannot be cancelled or refunded.
    Please make a new reservation with the correct information.

*If you take the exam with incorrect registration information, your result report will not be revised or reissued.
*The test organizers and Prometric will not be held responsible for any issues that may arise, such as being unable to take the exam or not being able to submit sufficient documents when applying for a status of residence due to incorrect registration information.
For exams that have Retake Policy, please make sure to abide by those policies when making your reservation.

Updated: September 6, 2024

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